ohh, and those people who have been tagged to do this quiz is diff from those who have deen tagged to do the previous quiz. so please check your names appearing in which quiz before you proceed.
tagged by Kiki on msn(:
20 people you can think of right now.don't read the questions until you've named the 20 people.at the end of this, choose 5 people to do this.
1. Kiki
2. Crystal
3. Yunning
4. Esther lam
5. Wenhui
6. Kaini
7. Elise
8. Ethel
9. Vinnie
10. Wendy
11. Sarah
12. Khaiqi
13. Him
14. Dion
15. Xinwei
16. Firza
17. Faizah
18. Novita
19. Weiying
20. Jovian
How did you meet 14 ???Errms , oh . in HWS?
in tanjong katong sec. 1B
what would you do if you never met 1?
no laughter in my life
What if 9 and 20 dated?
LOL. vinnie don't even knows Jovian. how to date?
Describe 3.
she's hot, chio, sexy, cute!
When is the last time you spoke to 13?
ermm, i also dunno.
What is 2's favourite singer/band?
i don't know
Would you ever date 4?
hahah, she's a girl. but... wo yao qu ni.. is our phrase!
Would you ever date 1?
no no, i love him only. and plu, she's a girl
Is 19 single?
should be.
What is 10's last name?
Ngoi, i think?
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11?
hey, it's Sarah! nope. ____ will kill meD:
School of 3?
Tanjong Katong Sec
where does 6 live?
err. haig road, near school
What is your favourite thing of 5?
she's friendly, kind, crazy.
Have you ever seen 2 naked?
5 people to do this:
1. At what age do you wish to get marry?
err. 28?
2. Who are the ones more important to you? Friends or your boyfriend?
right now, is friends and him... cos he isn't my boyfriend
3. Who is the person you trust the most?
Kiki, i think
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
5. If you have a dream to come true, what would it be?
to be with him forever
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
7. What is your goal for this year?
to get top 5 in class, top 45 in lvl,As for sci and maths
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
9. Have you broke someone's heart so badly he/she tried to commit suicide?
i don't think so.
10. What feeling do you love the most?
thinking of him
11. What the requirements that you wish from your other half?
nothing, just his love
12.What feeling do you hate the most?
being betrayed
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
yes. i love my besties!
14. Do you believe in GOD?
i don't know? unless God do something good to make me believe in him
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my family, friends and him
16.Who cares for you the most??
my family
17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
she's super adorable, like to laugh, loves habbo-ing, friendly, understanding
18. What have you regretted doing in your whole life?
erms, i dunno?
19.If the time hmm..rewinds, when will you want it to be?
20.Would you wait forever for someone you love?
yes, i will.
Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all
&loving you is a blessing from God, i guess?