Friday, May 30

weiying tagged me!

Step 1 : REMOVE 1 question and ADD in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions.
Step2 : Answer 20 questions and TAG 8 people on your list and list them out at the end of your post.
Step3 : Notify them in their that she/he in their tagboard she/he have been tagged .

Whoever has this tag will have a blessing from all ;D
1. Who did you last watch a movie with ?
crystal, yunning, weiying:D

2. How do you feel now?
soso, tired

3. If you can fufil one wish, what would it be ?
to be with him forever

4. Who are you thankful to?

5. Important wishes for now
to be with him, to get into double/triple science, to get below 10 points for O's

6. If you can turn something in the past back, what would it be?

7. What are your main priorities for now
studies, friendship, band, him

8. What makes you happy?
seeing everyone happy:D

9. What do you wana change in you?
stop saying vulgarities, don't be so lazy

10. What song can you represent your feeling now?
-i dunno-

11. What kind of person you hate most?
irritating people

12. Is there anything you wish to confess now?
i love him now and forever(:

13. What is your definition of your dream house?
a condo with a garden of mine

14. Who will you go to if you are feeling low one day?
kiki, crystal, yunning, weiying

15. What do you want to achieve?
my wishes

16. What age do you want to get married?
er... 28??? i also dunno

17. What do you regret doing the most in your life to someone?

18. Who made you angry for the past few days?
my bro and big sis.

19. Would you prefer to hang out with your bf/gf/friends?
best friends

20.What are you thinking 10 secs ago?
what question 20 should be

8 ppl: yunning, crystal, kiki, wenhui, vinnie, elise, kaini, esther lam

QUIZ 2Tagged by: weiying
rules of da quiz:
people whu had been tagged has to start with TEN random facts abt themselves, at the end of the quiz, you'll have to chose TEN people and tag them abt the quiz.

1. i love my trombone
2. i love my section, trombones(:
3. i love my darlings: kiki, crystal, yunning, weiying, wenhui, ethel, esther lam, kaini, elise, vinnie, khaiqi, wendy:D
4. i love batch 2010
5. i hate holiday hw!
6. i love slacking
7. i love to ice-skate, go escape theme park, watching movie
8. i love him more then anyone else
9. i always wished that time will go slow when i am having fun, and go fast when it's boring
10. i love prince of egypt=D
ten people: yunning, crystal, kiki, wenhui, vinnie, elise, kaini, esther lam and some other people



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